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Lennart Altgenug: disponibile ora “Ascending & Descending”, il nuovo album del compositore tedesco

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È ora disponibile “Ascending & Descending”, il nuovo album del compositore e pianista tedesco Lennart Altgenug. L’album è disponibile su tutte le piattaforme di streaming digitale e sul sito della Blue Spiral Records.


Descrizione album

Ispirati dalla musica da film, dall’impressionismo e dal minimalismo, i pezzi di questo album sono un riflesso musicale di diversi stati d’animo e sentimenti che derivano dallo sradicamento da un luogo all’altro.



Lennart Altgenug ha lavorato come compositore per diversi cortometraggi, inclusi i film intitolati Anton and Gameboy, presentati al Netherlands Film Festival. Oltre a comporre per film, Lennart ha composto e arrangiato per molti ensemble. Ha scritto quattro composizioni per quartetto d’archi che sono state eseguite all’Amsterdam Grachtenfestival. Lennart ha conseguito una laurea in pianoforte jazz e un master in composizione cinematografica presso il Conservatorio di Amsterdam. Oltre ad essere un compositore, è stato anche attivo come pianista in varie band. Nel 2014, ha registrato il suo album “Memory Lane” che conteneva le sue composizioni jazz originali. Da allora ha trascorso due anni a Mumbai (India). Oltre ad essere a capo del dipartimento di pianoforte presso The True School of Music, si esibiva regolarmente e componeva per una serie di cortometraggi e serie per la televisione indiana. Dal 2018 vive e lavora come compositore e insegnante a Berlino, in Germania. Il suo stile compositivo si è spostato dal jazz e dalla musica improvvisata verso la musica (neo) classica. Il suo nuovo album “Ascending and Descending” sarà pubblicato dalla Blue Spiral Records.



Composizione, pianoforte: Lennart Altgenug Violino: Markéta Janouskova Viola: Yakov Geller Violoncello: Christian Standridge Ingegnere del suono, master: Antonio Pulli Assistente: Valerio Massucci

Artwork: BeatArt


Links utili per ascoltare il lavoro



“Ascending & Descending”, the new album by the German composer and pianist Lennart Altgenug, is now available. The work is available on all digital streaming platforms and on the site of Blue Spiral Records.


Album description

Inspired by film music, impressionism and minimalism, the pieces of this album are a musical reflection of different moods and feelings that arise from uprooting from one place to another.


The Artist

Lennart Altgenug has worked as a composer for several short films, including the films entitled Anton and Gameboy, which were featured at the Netherlands Film Festival. In addition to composing for films, Lennart has been composing and arranging for many ensembles. He has written four compositions for string quartet which have been performed at the Amsterdam Grachtenfestival. Lennart has earned a Bachelor‘s Degree in jazz piano, and a Masters Degree in film composition from the Conservatory of Amsterdam. Besides being a composer, he was also active as a pianist in various bands. In 2014, he recorded his Album ‘Memory Lane’ which featured his original jazz compositions. Since then, he spent two years in Mumbai (India). Besides being head of the piano department at The True School of Music he was also performing regularly and composed for a variety of short films and series for Indian television. Since 2018, he has been living and working as a composer and teacher in Berlin, Germany. His composition style has moved away from jazz and improvised music towards (neo-)classical music. Soon his new album ‘Ascending and Descending’ will be released with Blue Spiral Records.



Composition, piano: Lennart Altgenug Violin: Markéta Janouskova Viola: Yakov Geller Cello: Christian Standridge Sound engineer & master: Antonio Pulli Assistent engineer: Valerio Massucci

Artwork: BeatArt


Get the music


1. Prologue 1:16

2. Horizontal Eight 2:41

3. On The Other Side Of The World 2:33

4. Departure 2:43

5. Ascending 1:36

6. Descending 1:58

7. Memories 4:14

8. Arctic Circle 2:23

9. New Walls 2:01


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